Autor: rodrigosilvaesilva
How to drop database In oracle 11g/12c /18c/19c/21c Without Using DBCA
Export SID instance droped Connect database as sysdba Check status instance Shutdown the database startup in exclusive mode restrict Check status instance Drop database
TNS-12549: TNS-12560: TNS-00519: Oracle RAC SCAN – Resolve Single IP
Causa Análise identificado que os Inodes da partição / estavam em 100%. Identificando quantidade de arquivo nos diretório Ação Apagar todos os arquivos de log Verificando status do SCAN Reiniciando o scan
Dropping redo log group thread Migrate RAC to Single
Causa Erro ao dropar redo instance migrada de Rac para Single SYS@OLTP> alter database drop logfile group 10;alter database drop logfile group 10*ERROR at line 1:ORA-01567: dropping log 10 would leave less than 2 log files for instance oltp2 (thread 2)ORA-00312: online log 10 thread 2: ‘/u01/oracle/oradata/OLTP/redo_10.log’ Consultando Group Redo / Threads Consultando as threads…
Expdp Oracle 11G ORA-39001: invalid argument value, ORA-01775: looping chain of synonyms
Cause Fail export or impdp ORA-39001: invalid argument valueORA-01775: looping chain of synonyms ORA-39001, 00000, “invalid argument value”// *Cause: The user specified API parameters were of the wrong type or// value range. Subsequent messages supplied by// DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS will further describe the error.// *Action: Correct the bad argument and retry the API. Query Dba Objects Solution…